Thursday, August 4, 2011


Several people came to help us move in Saturday night. Benjamin fell off the moving truck and sported a huge goose egg that has turned into 2 black eyes.

The view from our back yard.

Our home in Reno.
Some things that are different here: no sales tax on food and no income tax. But the food is much more expensive, so I don't think we'll feel the difference. For example, a box of granola bars was on sale for $3.50 today (compare that to UT $2). A box of cereal was $5, a loaf of bread, $4.50. I opened up a can of olives and they were huge!!! Another difference is the cost of preschool. I could have sent Ben to preschool 3 half days a week for $65 in Utah. Here, the cheapest I have found so far is $285 for 2 half days a week!! I asked someone why Reno is so expensive and I was told it is because it is so close to California.
The people are nice. So far everyone has been really friendly. One family brought us groceries the evening we moved in, and then we received a dinner invitation the next day. Someone invited me to a play date yesterday. This has been really helpful with our transition, since a lot of the time I am missing Utah a great deal.
It has been great to be together as a family again. Darren was living here with no furniture before we came and he loves having somewhere to sit down now, and loves coming home for dinner with the family.


  1. So exciting! I love the update, and I'm glad that you guys have friendly neighbors. But the price of preschool? That's just CRAZY!

  2. I am glad you are enjoying it! I can't wait to visit and show you parts of my mission!

  3. Hey, great to see you have blog. We will follow it with great interest. We missed not seeing you when we were in Utah.

